Thursday, March 12, 2009

Pirouettes and Soccer

I have a lot of girls in my family. There's my wife, who is wonderful, then my daughter Erin, who is 13, then Abigail, 6, EmmaLee, 4, and Lindsay, 23 months. Each of my children have their strengths and things that they enjoy. Erin enjoys playing sports, especially volleyball and basketball. Abigail likes dance and gymnastics. EmmaLee likes to color and create, and Lindsay likes to be the center of attention and perform for everyone (being the youngest). I love to watch them grow in their strengths, and see them get even better at doing the things they do well.

I am also glad when they decide to do something new, so that maybe they will find something else that they enjoy. That's why I was excited when Abigail decided that she wanted to play soccer. I figured that a "ball" sport would help to broaden her horizons, strengthen her muscles for dance, and help her to have a good time and make new friends. I was quite excited for the first game, even though I knew that six year old soccer still has the "herd" mentality-all of the players crowded around the ball trying to kick it at the same time. Still, it was my girl's first game, and I couldn't wait.

I'm not a proud father or anything like that, but when I saw my perfect daughter standing out on that field, I sat up straighter in my chair, my chin went up, and my chest puffed out with pride. Not that I'm a proud father or anything. Anyway, the game started and I watched her run up and down the field, having a great time. Sometimes she was even able to get the ball away from the herd and move it up the field. Then she was made a defender. That means she had to stay back by the goal and not move. When it is Jacob in that position, he jumps all over, doing somersaults and being an all-around crazy man. When I looked over at Abigail, however, she was doing pirouettes, round-offs, and other dance/gymnastics moves that I don't know the name for. It made me happy to see her without any troubles or worries, and having such a good time. I know that state of being cannot last, which perhaps is why it made me so happy right then.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing daughter stories. I may not have any until they are married to my sons and long past the pirouette no-worries stage.
