Monday, May 13, 2013


As I was sitting down to write a Mother's day card yesterday, I was suddenly "visited by the muses", or as we would say in the church, touched by the Spirit, and I began to write.  I ended up with a Mother's day poem that grew out of my own life's experiences, living with and observing my wife for twenty years, and some very difficult challenges that we have had lately.  It is a tender mercy of the Lord to us, and it has  strengthened us and touched our hearts.  May it do the same for others.

What is a mother?
A mother is a woman, who,
Creates bodies for God's children,
And carries His spirits to this earth,
She the only path from there to here.
A partnership in creating life,
A gift, from Him to His daughters.
She is then entrusted
To raise them as her own.
Pain, Sorrow, and Disappointment
Are her frequent companions, but
The gifts of Faith, Hope, and Charity
Are her Heavenly helpers.
He alone understands the depth of her Sorrow,
Or the fullness of her Joy,
And because of her willing Sacrifice,
He will give her the great desire of her heart:
Her children in righteousness,
And her family in eternity.


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