The privilege and opportunity of serving as bishop brings with it many things that are difficult to deal with, most notably the emotional ups and downs of dealing with so many people and their needs, as well as the amount of time taken away from family. But there are many benefits and blessings that come from this service as well, several of which I want to talk about.
As bishop I have the ability to interact with my children in ways that I would not be able to were I not in this calling. For example, in January my son Joshua turned twelve years old. Not only was I able to confer upon him the priesthood and ordain him to be a deacon, something I would have been able to do anyway, but I was also able to interview him for the priesthood, and sign his certificate of ordination after he was ordained. I would not have been able to do those things had I not been his bishop. I am grateful for the opportunity to have shared that with my son.
Another thing that I hope my children will remember is my candy jar. I keep a jar of candy in my office for primary children. On their birthdays, the primary president gives them a slip which they can redeem in my office for a piece of candy. Well, my children are in there every week, right after church, to get a piece of candy. No, it isn't their birthday every day, but they know they can come and write on my dry erase board and show me what they colored in primary and get a piece of candy. I love the fact that they want to be there, and I will always keep candy for them and hope that they will remember it as a good experience.
One other experience that I had with my older children recently was going to the Draper, Utah Temple open house with all the youth of my ward. I was able to go with Erin, who is 13, Joshua, 12, as they are both in mutual, and Jacob, 9 who was able to go because I went. It was a special opportunity to be in a temple with them, and to answer questions afterward.
I am grateful for these experiences that being bishop allows me to have with my family, along with all other blessings that we are being given, that are too numerous to mention.